Dr. Henry E. Perrine Academy of the Arts


Upcoming Events

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    Spring Recess

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    Teacher Planning Day

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Social Media

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  • Book Fair!

    mobile check out Our annual Book Fair is here! The Book Fair will be open between March 3rd through March 7th at Dr. Henry E. Perrine. All purchases through the Book Fair will benefit our school. Thank you for supporting our kids! Happy Reading! LET'S GO BOOK WORMS!
  • AR Spring Challenge

    mobile check out The English Language Arts Department & Library Media Services, in collaboration with Renaissance Learning, are encouraging all students in Grades K-5 to participate in teh 2025 AR Spring Challenge to promotethe continued development of critical reading skills and a love for reading. No registration required.
  • Summer Camp 2025!

    2024 Winter Olympics Banner Get ready for an exciting and fun-filled summer at Dr. Henry E. Perrine A.O.T.A.! Join us for an unforgettable experience with amazing activiies and programs for students including arts and crafts, outdoor adventures, field trips, and so much more! The camp will be in session June 16th - July 25th. Register Now!
    English | Spanish
  • Know Your Schools

    florida In accordance with federal and state requirements, school districts are required to provide an annual school status report. The Florida Department of Education produces the Florida Report Cards. These interactive school report cards are avaialble by clicking the portal link provided below. You will find data on enrollment, assessments, discipline, graduation, personnel, expenditures, and other educational data. The information in this report should help you assess the performance of your child's school. For additional assistance, please contact your child's school.
    Portal | Parent Letter
  • Winter Olympics!

    2024 Winter Olympics Banner In order to continue to provide learning opportunities for all students during the winter recess, M-DCPS will launch the 2024-2025 Academic Winter Olympics, which will take place from December 21, 2024 - January 5, 2025. Schools and students are encouraged to engage in these educational activities. Schools and students will accumulate points based on active participation. Prizes will be awarded at both the school and student levels.
    Flyer | Events
  • Title I PAC

    title i pac meeting banner The Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) invites you to join its members, as they discuss important issues regarding your child's education. All parents and Community Involvement Specialists (CIS), Community Liaison Specialists (CLS) are invited to attend this important meeting. November 19th, 6pm at Homestead Senior High School.
  • FortifyFL

    fortifyfl webinars FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. Quikcly and easily submit a tip. Click the link to download the mobile application for your smart device.
    Mobile App
  • Report Cards

    mobile check out Attention Parents! As a reminder, as of April 2024, the viewing of report cards requires you to log into your Dadeschools mobile application or the M-DCPS Portal to view your child's report card. Schools can print a single report card on-demand for parents who desire a hard copy and present appropriate identification.
  • Attendance Awareness

    mobile check out The Office of School Leadership is encouraging student participation in the "Show U M-DCPS Attenance Contest". All students attending Miami-Dade County Public Schools are eligible to participate. Posters and videos will be judged on how well they address the theme, the quality of the design, and student creativity. #ShowUpMDCPS
    Flyer Submissions
  • Mobile Device Check Out

    mobile check out Check out your 2024 M-DCPS Mobile Device today! It is as easy as four steps.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Open House

    Open House M-DCPS Welcomes you back! Join us for Open House at Dr. Henry E. Perrine Academy of the Arts on August 28th. Please see the flyer for more details about this event. We do hope that you will join us.
  • Future Bound

    Future Bound Miami A Children's Savings Account (CSA) program that provides families with a free, long-term savings account for their child’s college or postsecondary education. When you activate your child’s account, you will receive up to $50 automatically. Future Bound Miami is available to participating elementary schools and K-8 centers across the Miami-Dade County Public School District (M-DCPS).
  • Mental Health Services

    mental health Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) through the Office of Mental Health and Student Services prioritizes the social, emotional and mental well-being of all students. Local and national resources are available for students, parents, and community stakeholders. In collaboration with community agencies, students in need of additional therapeutic intervention are provided services on a referral basis. For more information, please visit the Mental Health Services site.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Merit Schools of Excellence!

    Magnet Schools Month Magnet Schools of America is proud to announce that the month of February is the annual celebration of National Magnet Schools Month. Dr. Henry E. Perrine Academy of the Arts has been recognized as a 2024 Merit Schools of Excellence Winner in the category of Visual & Performing Arts: Visual Art, Dance, Music, Theater for Grades 3-5. Congratulations to the Perrine family for this honorable recognition.
  • Pop N' Prep

    Tutoring Need homework help? Pop N' Prep is a free homework help service exclusively for M-DCPS K-12 students. Homework help is provided by certified M-DCPS teachers in three languages. Get help with a variety of subjects. You can start by booking a session. Please refer to the additional information provided in the flyers.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Apply!

    Magnet Application The Magnet Application cycle for the 2024-2025 school year will open on October 1st, 2023, and will close on January 15, 2024. Magnet Schools are open to ALL students in grades PK-12, regardless of their attendance boundary. Notifications to applicants will be sent via email on March 15th, 2024. You can access teh magnet application portal via the M-DCPS Parent Portal. Follow the link below for more information.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • PayPAMS

    PayPAM Miami-Dade County Public Schools supports prepay purchases in cafeterias via the PayPAMS system. You can login to www.paypams.com to access your account. PayPAMS is the convenient way to pay for meals and school related services
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • SRP

    Standard Response Protocol Our school has adopted the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to keep our students and staff safer during a crisis. Students and staff will be training, practicin, and drilling the protocol. The Standard Response Protocol was developed by the “I Love U Guys” Foundation. The SRP is a K-12 program that uses everyday language and actions to provide consistent communication and clear instructions during emergencies. Read more about the Standard Response Protocol.
    English | Spanish
  • Before & After School New Rates

    Before and After School New Rates The district strives to provide high-quality before/after school care and summer programming including homework assistance, academic interventions and enrichment activities that fully support our families and students. The district has been extremely mindful of the impact on families associated with raising fees. To maintain our quality of care, and to offer our highly qualified staff a competitive wage, an increase in program fees is necessary. Beginning July 1, 2023, the before/after school care and summer programs new rates
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Child Care Financial Assistance

    child care assistance Parents, you may be eligible for child care financial assistance. A School Readiness program helps low income families pay for the cost of high quality early care and education.There are qualifications for this program. Please refer to the program information which provides more details and links to the program site.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Making Lasting Impressions

    Making Lasting Impressions feedback QR We are striving to serve you better! How did we do today? Let us know about issues, concerns, compliments and kudos by filling our the online form. You can access the form by scanning the QR code with your mobile device's camera.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Arrival & Dismissal

    arrival and dismissal The safety of our students at Dr. Henry E. Perrine Academy of the Arts is our first priority. We ask that you review and follow the guidelines for daily arrival and dismissal of students. As always, we thank you for your continued support and cooperation in helping to keep our students safe. Please call the office if you have any questions and/or concerns. Map and More...
  • School Transportation

    transportation The MDCPS Department of Transportation has enhanced their homepage providing online tools for parents and students to verify their access to transportation services. These enhancements and tools and be used to determine eligibility for school bus services by verifying transportation boundaries & student distance. Please visit the website following the link below to learn more about school information, transportation boundaries, and other related information. Transportation Website
  • Orientation Packet

    Orientation Packet We would like to welcome our future students and families to Dr. Henry E. Perrine Academy of the Arts. We are committed to providing a safe haven for young people's imagination in a professional learning environment. Dedicated to the arts in education, all students are inspired to strive for excellence and overcome barriers in order to ultimately achieve their potential as responsible adults. Please take a moment to review our orientation packet which includes much more information about our programs and other activities.
    Orientation Packet
  • Student Registration

    Student Registration The upcoming school year will be here soon! Panther Families... do you know or have a child that is ready for Kindergarten? Following the links below, you will find the student registration checklist and associated forms for M-DCPS. Please stop by the school's office to register your Kindergarten child for the next school year. Please share this information with your neighbors and extended family members. Thank you for your continued assistance and support. Follow this link to view the checklist and forms.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Read-at-Home Plan

    distance learning You are your child’s first teacher and reading with your child is a proven way to promote early literacy. Helping to make sure your child is reading on grade level by third grade is one of the most important things you can do to prepare him/her for the future. By reading with your child for 30 minutes per day and making a few simple strategies a part of your daily routine, you can make a positive impact on your child's success in school. We are happy to provide you with this Read-at-Home Plan, which includes resources and strategies to help your child become a more proficient reader!
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Reading Scholarship

    Reading Scholarship A reading scholarship account is available to help students in grades 3-5 who struggle with Reading. The program, administered by Step Up For Students, offers parents access to education savings accounts, worth $500 each, to pay for part-time tutoring, summer and after-school literacy programs, instructional materials, and curriculum related to reading or literacy. Starting this school year, families apply for Reading Scholarship Accounts through an online portal. Refer to the link below for more detailed information on the Reading Scholarship Account, eligibility, and directions for application.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Get a Library Card

    MDPLS Library Card Apply for an eCard (electronic card) to immediately begin using the online library, including access to eBooks, audiobooks, research and learning tools. Once you receive your eCard, you will be able to download the free Miami‑Dade Public Library System mobile app available for iOS and Android. Get a Miami-Dade Public Library Card
  • National Magnet Certification

    national magent merit Magnet Schools of America (MSA), a national organization representing over 4,340 Magnet schools and programs, annually recognizes Magnet schools and programs for their commitment to high academic standards, curriculum innovation, successful diversity efforts, specialized teaching staffs, and parent/community involvement. Dr. Henry E. Perrine Academy of the Arts is recognized by the Magnet Schools of America as a Certified National Magnet School.
  • Before & After School Care

    Kindergarten Registration Before & after school care registration will open on August 17th. Parents and guardians, please register your child early if you require these services. Please refer to the Before & After School Care page for more information.
  • Student Registration

    student registration enroll The Federal and State Compliance Office (FASCO) has prepared documents, accessible by clicking the links below, to assist and guide parents and/or legal guardians with the student registration process.
    (English)  Guide | Checklist/Form
    (Spanish)  Guide | Checklist/Form
    (Creole)  Guide | Checklist/Form
  • Daily Home Screening

    distance learning We are in the midst of a pandemic, and having your child stay home when they are ill, experiencing signs and symptoms of a communicable disease, and/or when they have come into close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, is critical to minimizing the spread of illness to others. In fact, it could make the difference between disease control and outbreak. Prior to sending your child to school each morning, parents/guardians are being asked to conduct the At-Home Daily Student Health Screening to determine if it is safe for your child to attend school.
    English | Spanish | Creole
  • Support the PTA!

    distance learning The Dr. Henry E. Perrine Academy of the Arts Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is made up of the PTA Board, teachers, staff and volunteers. Our busy PTA is always looking for volunteers and project chairpersons. We welcome parents, grandparents, and friends into our classrooms for help with special projects. Are you interested in getting involved? please visit our PTA website. On this website, you will be able to join the PTA, visit the PTA store where you can by uniform shirts and spirit gear, as well as contact us regarding your interested in volunteering. We would love to have to become part of the PTA in support of your children and teachers.
  • Follow the PTA!

    front of school
    Hello Dr. Henry E. Perrine Academy of the Arts Parents and Staff! The PTA has a Facebook Page. Please take a moment to visit, then like and follow us for all the latest news, photos, and event information. #perrineistheplaceforme
  • Stay Connected!

    downlaod the mobile app Miami-Dade County Public Schools has the ability to communicate quickly and effectively with parents through automated voice-message, email, push notifications and text. Accurate and up-to-date parent contact information is critical to receiving important outreach and emergency messages from the District and your child's school. Your contact information must be updated at your school. For more information, click on one of the following links.
    Flyer: English | Spanish | Creole
    Mobile Application Download: Apple | Android
  • Parent Volunteers

    volunteersDear Parent Volunteers, As a reminder, you must ensure that your volunteer status is updated for the current and upcoming school year. Please follow these instructions in order to obtain your volunteer number. Once you obtain your volunteer number, you must come to Perrine Academy to show your ID for final approval. Follow these steps to become a school volunteer: -> Visit the the Office of Community Engagement's site.