School attendance is critical to successful school progress. Students who are tardy or absent excessively from the instructional program will fall
behind in academic achievement. Excessive school absenteeism precedes grade failure, loss of interest, and may result in students withdrawing
from school,” as stated in School Board Rule
6Gx13-5A-1.04, Student Attendance-Specific Responsibilities.
Absences are excused ONLY for the following reasons:
- Student illness
- Medical Appointment of Student
- Death in Family
- Observance of a religious holiday or service that is mandated for all members of a faith
- School-sponsor event or activity previously approved
- Subpoena by law enforcement agency or mandatory court appearance
- Outdoor suspension
Other individual student absences beyond the control of the parent or the student, as determined and approved by the principal's designee. Students are required to have a note (on file at the school) explaining the cause of each absence.
* Excessive Absences due to illness Florida Statue 1003.24 states that if a student is continually sick and repeatedly absent, he or she must be under the
supervision of a physician in order to receive an EXCUSED absence. Students accumulating ten(10) or more absences in an annual course or five (5) or
more absences absences in a semester course, due to illness, are required to have a note (on file at the school) from a physician in order to receive an
EXCUSED absence.